cocreating THE NEW EARTH
We want to put that thinking into practical action on the ground—to expand beyond a think tank into a 'do tank,' as well. To put our money where our mouth is by creating a hands-on learning laboratory.
Wisdom, and the exchange of knowledge, has always been most revered in many star systems. In the 3D, there is material exchange within communities, but this has more to do with inviting others in and offering demonstrations of what is possible to utilize and take back in their own communities.
—The Ant People via Micheila Sheldan
Acquire a piece of land that would serve as a pilot project in radical sustainability, bridging the best of the ecologically sound 3D with the 5D
Sourcing energy as sustainably as possible—no faux renewables!—with a more conventional focus initially while, hopefully, growing ever more multidimensional
Interacting with the land as harmoniously as possible, in some established ways and some new, in all areas of restoration and co-existence
Being a heart-based, high-minded, high-vibrational environment
Opening the site up to the local community and world at large, with it perhaps growing into a self-sufficient community unto itself
Ours would be another in the embryonic mix of 'intentional communities' springing up around the world, with its own unique flavor
At once a sanctuary amidst the turmoil and a guidepost for how to forge a better path forward, rooted in intellectual & spiritual rigor and faith & possibility rather than fear
A blending of ancient mystery schools with the ‘Noah’s Arks’ that survived the Great Flood
Neither a conventional eco village nor just a spiritual retreat center,
and positioned not in opposition to various forms of suppression (e.g., patriarchy, colonialism, war)
but anchored in the affirmative, transcendent pathways opening up through the ascension process
What would we do?
Restore the Earth
Build structures
Employ 3D energy sources that are as sustainable as possible while also bridging into the 5D
Engage in spiritual/multidimensional practices, for ourselves and the Earth
Grow and harvest food
Detoxify and nourish our bodies
Conduct experiments; monitor, document, and share our work
What would it look like?
Built environmentEnergetic siting and sacred geometric design Use vibrational testing and dowsing to assess ley lines, underground water channels, stuck energy, etc., to understand where restoration might be needed, where and how water can be sourced, and where to site infrastructure. Ask the land for permission to be there, how to best co-exist together, and guidance on co-creative development. Use sacred geometric design and technologies to both harmonize harmful EMF and create an elevated energetic container. Physical siting and vernacular construction The following thought exercise from The PallasCeres Report illustrates why the built environment sans fossil fuels has to be completely re-thought. Start off by thinking about the average American suburban home. Then imagine that all FF have just stopped running. Gas stations no longer have any fuel. Power plants are no longer churning out electricity. Your supply of natural gas has stopped (you’ll be afforded a little breathing room if you have a tank). This means that your car or truck won’t run. None of the appliances in your home will work. Your kitchen and bathroom faucets won’t run any water. Your toilets won’t flush. Any outdoor water spigots won’t produce water. And, if you have a well, chances are it won’t work because it relies on an electrical pump. Survival 101 compels you to consider the necessities: where will I get water, where will I get food, and where will I poop and pee? Water can come from only one of three places: 1) surface water from a lake, pond, spring, or creek/stream/river, 2) a well that, through incredible foresight of whoever installed it, pumps via hand or a simple windmill (and can still access much-depleted ground water levels), or 3) water collected from rain. Chances are that none of these options exist (or exist in sufficient quantities) for the vast majority of suburban homes. Which spells disaster. Without water, there’s no survival—no drinking, no growing food in what you thought was a sustainable garden in your backyard or neighborhood—which means you’re setting out, on foot, in search of the nearest water source. And before you set out, you’ll have been pooping and peeing in your suburban yard, at some point running out of toilet paper. The scenario is even worse for urban dwellers. Surrounded by concrete, good luck finding a water source, let alone hauling it up to your dense living 'sustainable' abode on the 20th floor. The same goes for pooping and peeing. Whether FF stop running overnight or not, the implications remain the same: every last bit of infrastructure in modern society, and every last part that plugs into it, has been designed and built to function with FF and their unique qualities. Changing to an entirely different energy regime means that all infrastructure, and all the pieces that plug into it, must be re-designed and re-built to function with the altogether different characteristics conferred by the new sources...No more cities or suburbia as we know them today. No more cars, airplanes, mass transit, internet, computers, electronic devices, electricity, plastic, synthetic clothing, “modern” medicine. Without the FF that make virtually every physical thing and system in our modern lives possible, the giant house of cards crumbles. With this in mind, buildings would: Be located within walking distance of a surface water source or well that is pumped by hand or simple windmill (necessitating groundwater levels that can't exceed a certain depth). Be located within walking distance from polycultural, regenerative agricultural plots. Be constructed to last as long as possible, which means stepping away from conventional approaches (i.e., stick-built construction). Be built as much as possible with locally sourced, natural materials and/or repurposed materials from the 'existing world.' Any non-repurposed metal or glass would ideally be sourced from local, small-scale artisans. Be constructed with no concrete or large machinery. Move water without FF-based tubing, piping, or pumping. Use composting or biodigester toilets. It's likely that some parts of the development would have electricity, so as to continue interfacing with the world (namely internet connectivity), while others wouldn't. Spiritual structures & sites In addition to the incorporation of sacred geometry into all levels of the site design, there would be structures and features with specific spiritual/energetic purposes. For example, a construction to honor and interact with the potent energies of the solstices and equinoxes, walk-through mandalas/designs, healing pyramids, and so forth. For more, see The PallasCeres Report and A New Earth Synthesis
EnergyLikely there would be an initial reliance on 3D methods, with more 5D approaches developed over time. 3D sources For any electricity usage on-site, minimally invasive combined heat and power (CHP) biodigesters and biomass boilers could be explored (thus also generating active thermal heat). A CHP biomass boiler could have multiple woody biomass feedstocks (ideally, part of the piece of land would be forested and woody biomass would come entirely from downed trees). A CHP biodigester could be fed with food waste, sewage, and agricultural/garden residue as feedstocks. An ethanol end-product biodigester with multiple organic waste feedstocks could generate gas. Other options for mechanical and thermal energy: Mechanical power from wind and water simple windmills and watermills Passive thermal heating thermal walls Trombe walls Active thermal heating woody biomass dung agricultural residue Passive thermal cooling windcatchers solar chimneys solar shading Earth sheltering harmonious orientation of buildings underground cellars Movement of water: waterwheels archimedes screws force/hand pumps that pump groundwater lifting devices powered by hand or pulleys 5D sources This may involve the blending of crystalized (aka structured) water, Earth elements (e.g., crystals, stone, soil, metals), geometries, and light codes to create a potent field of energy that can be harnessed—not via modern electricity or the combustion of materials, but through thoughtform, alchemy, and our electromagnetic and plasmic fields. Examples that hold guidance and inspiration for exploration: Tibetan tummo (heat creation) and levitation practices. Ancient technologies that utilize the life force energy and/or electromagnetic energy of plants, elementals, the Earth, our selves, and the universal source field. For more, see The PallasCeres Report and A New Earth Synthesis
Restore the Earth and grow foodEngage in multi-dimensional practices to remove chemical and energetic toxins and restore integrity/life force, such as: Biodynamics electroculture prayer, meditation, breath work, laying of hands, focused love, affirmations working with crystals, stones, tuning forks, sound, and color for healing and conscious connection diverse applications of sacred geometry and BioGeometry, both design and physical implements vibrational testing Experiment with different ways to structure/crystallize water and use it in crop-growing, treating water as the conscious entity that it is.
Detox and nourish offeringsThese could be great gateways to attract people to the site with tangible, desired offerings. And, along with on-site visits, to set up a circle of people who will tend to the work. Yoga Offer various types of yoga (whether in their current format or modified) in a beautiful space, showcasing how heat and a high vibrational environment can be created as sustainably as possible within an energetic and stylistic container that's much needed. In addition to the sacred geometric design of the building and site, incorporate salt water bowls and pristinely sourced crystals/stones into the setting for enhanced energetic cleansing and activation. Meditation/spiritual activities Offered in the same space as the yoga room or outdoors (including the spiritual sites), examples include: General, loosely guided meditations on first the self and then the larger world Loosely guided meditations on specific events or phenomena Meditations directed specifically at healing bodies of water, pieces of land, and ourselves Call and response singing/chanting Breath work Sound baths Plant ceremonies Channeled transmissions Gatherings centered around astrological events, for example new and full moons, solstices, eclipses, and major transits Wellness cafe As discussed in A New Earth Synthesis, detoxifying and nourishing our bodies is essential not just for improved physical-emotional well-being but also for activating more of our crystalline DNA and accessing expanded evolutionary possibilities. Example food offerings would include things like 'superfood’ lattes and drinks, nutritious 'mocktails', salads, bowls, and snacks. All with no refined sugars or processed oils, quality diary-free options, and gluten-free options in addition to Einkorn. All organic and non-GMO. Would strive to use as many plants grown on-site as possible. Outside products, which could also be available for sale, could come from places like Anima Mundi Apothecary, Mountain Rose Herb, Raw Revelations, Medicamentum Authentica, Dr. Tom Cowan, Vitality Cycles, and Tennant Products. Our own curated health information and protocols could be offered. Could even sell natural skin care products and clothes, for example Primally Pure, Nomads Hempwear, and Sweet Skins.
Learning laboratory offeringsExperimentation and knowledge-sharing would be cornerstones of this project. Education Through a rental unit—people staying in it could have as much or little interaction as they desire. Through the service offerings, particularly if they’re open to the general public as a bona fide business. Inviting small groups to stay on-site for multi-day long experiences. Inviting individuals or small groups, for example from nearby universities, to come on-site for day visits. Through podcasts/videos. Education of involved team members could include things like: Biodynamic training Planet medicine education Energetic Geometry certification BioGeometry training Biofield Tuning training My Intuitive Heart training Experiments Agricultural example Have two plots, both treated regeneratively/biodynamically. The main plot would employ multi-dimensional practices while the other wouldn’t. Water example Use several approaches to structure water, from devices to pure energetics, and design experiments to assess whether there are any realized differences. Wellness/health example Experiment with "high" and "low" tech modalities and assessments, e.g.: Alternate currencies REALgnd is interested in the development of new monetary systems, both large-scale / top-down (discussed in Part 3 of The PallasCeres Report) and smaller scale / bottom-up. This site could be a node for such systems. It could accept select currencies, encouraging people to try them out, and even develop one of its own.
Location and investment
Various locations could be well suited. Year-round warm climates—like southern California, the southeastern U.S., Costa Rica, Hawaii, or southern Europe—would help with heating and growing food.
While not warm year-round, the Pacific Northwest has mild winters and all of the desirable incubative qualities:
• culturally progressive
• an abundance of high quality, locally grown food and locally made products
• progressive construction services
• close to colleges, universities, and educational centers
This would involve philanthropic investment. REALgnd hopes to attract kindred spirits who see the value in being a benefactor for an endeavor like this—who resonate with its unique vision and see it as an important investment in the future.